
Heya friends, I’m Sarah.

I am a deeply optimistic individual working on the future of urban mobility. I practice the art of thoughtfully embracing technology through design, policy, and community-based research. I’m very lucky to have called many cities “home” throughout my life, and currently reside in San Francisco, CA.

I write a weekly newsletter about the impact autonomous vehicles could have on our cities, and how we can reorient the conversation to explore solutions which are perhaps less glamorous, but more aligned with urban agendas. You can sign up here.

I hold a MSc from the London School of Economics and Political Science in City Design & Social Sciences, and a BA in Human Geography from the University of British Columbia. My research has been published by the UN, Siemens, and LSE Cities. In a previous life, I was a youth climate activist, with a penchant for dumpster diving. You can download my CV here.

You can usually find me exploring the cities I call home with my bike, Mildred. When I’m not thinking about transportation, I love to read about art history with a cuppa tea beside my bed, go cold-water swimming in the Pacific, and hosting dinner parties exploring everything from the physics of pasta to world politics, and questioning the benefits of blow dryers.

PS. My friend Francis Augusto took this image, if you’re looking for a photographer, you can find more of his work here.